Selling Your Home in a Sellers’ Market


It’s generally a good idea to take advantage of pent-up demand and low inventory which drives competition and gets you the highest dollar amount.

It is far different than selling in a buyers’ market, that’s for sure! You hold the key, literally.

If the recent stats in Georgia are any indication, there is no better time for you to sell.

  • Want fewer days on market? If it’s priced strategically, that’s definitely not a problem!
  • Want multiple offers? Yep, that’s likely too.
  • Want to pick and choose what offer so that you get everything you want? That’s also very likely.
  • Want to set the terms that work for you? You guessed it…no problem!

It’s generally a good idea to take advantage of pent-up demand and low inventory which drives competition and gets you the highest dollar amount. In the current market it’s also typically not necessary for a seller to make major renovations to the home. Buyers are more willing to overlook cosmetic repairs.

If you are thinking of selling your home, make sure you work with an agent that is an expert in your area.  Your AtHome & Co agent will set you up for success with the tools, knowledge and expertise needed for a positive and smooth transaction.

The goal is to get the highest dollar with the least amount of risk and in the timing you need. We can help you do that!

Our work is much more than real estate. Our work is your life, your dreams, and building your legacy. Our team approach is designed to use our combined knowledge, experience, and skills to provide a service that you deserve. – AtHome & Co